
  • Counting Medics?

    As promised we will continue the discussion on multiple medics on scene and the potential implications of patient care problems... Our previous di...
  • Team Development Conclusion Understanding ideal cr...
  • Command, Conviction, Confidence

    Setting the tone Part 5 To conclude SETTING THE TONE we will go over the 3 C’s. 1. Command- Take command of the scene and take command of...
  • Confidence

    Setting the Tone Part 4 We have developed the idea and definition of setting the tone as relates to emergency response. Field Medics defines ...
  • Conviction

    Setting the tone Part 3 Conviction The second C of field-medics setting the tone three Cs is CONVICTION. As a paramedic or First Responder respo...
  • Command

    Setting the Tone Part 2 The First of the 3 C’s as we develop Setting the Tone is Command. Setting the tone. We continue to develop and define wh...
  • What about Setting the Tone?

    Setting the Tone Part 1 What is setting the tone? This is an idea or better yet it’s really jargon that is used in many different disciplines...
  • Prepared?

    Smoke explosion with FDNY firefighters engulfed in smoke and fire. From what I’ve read no serious injuries. Take some time to think about and view ...
  • Accountability and Liberty

    Personal accountability is one of the most integral attributes that a first responder must have. By practicing personal accountability a first resp...
  • What was that? Teamwork?

    EMS is a world that demands teamwork. We often think of teamwork as it relates to the first responder in terms of firefighting or extrication and ...
  • Strasbourg Shooting

    In light of the shooting in Strasbourg let us take some time to think about the victims and the responders. First of all great job to the responder...
  • Why are you here?

    Have you ever stopped and thought to yourself "why am I here?" Most providers in EMS would be able to answer this question superficially. Most of u...