PADL is a 6 hour CAPCE accredited course that can be used towards National or State recertification.
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Paramedic Assessment Development and Leadership
This is a comprehensive course designed for the paramedic preceptor or instructor. This is 6 hour course broken up in to 4 courses.
Course 1 - PADL Defined — What is PADL? What is the philosophy?
Course 2 - Paramedic Assessment — Assessing the needs of the new paramedic
Course 3 - Paramedic Development — Developing the paramedic for effective field work and confident independent practice
Course 4 - Paramedic Leadership — Defining Leadership principles for the paramedic
This is a progressive Class that has to be taken in consecutive order beginning with course 1 and ending with course 4.
The PADL course according to a PADL certified preceptor is “a complete game changer.” This course will give the preceptor the tools needed to develop new candidates in a systematic and reproducible way. We can’t wait to see you there!