
Setting the tone Part 3

The second C of field-medics setting the tone three Cs is CONVICTION. As a paramedic or First Responder responsible for setting a proper tone you must have conviction. More specifically, you must be convicted by the fact that you are in a position that you must intervene for people and their best interests. Are you convicted about your responsibility and obligation to care for others? You are now obligated to intervene for people in all sorts of different circumstances. If you engage people and approach running a call with the conviction that you have a duty to act it will inevitably cause you to provide better patient care. It will set the tone for the patient and your team because you will acting with INTENTION to solve whatever problem is in front of you. You must set the tone with the conviction of the duty to act. Your conviction will be evident as you begin to administer care for others. Your attitude, your disposition towards the patient, your teamwork, leadership and delegation will manifest in a convicted provider setting the tone for excellence and success as you walk in the door. Stay tuned as we develop the field-medics 3C's of Setting the Tone. We have briefly spoken about Command and Conviction. Until next time... Own the Day and go out the door with intent.
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