Your Day Awaits!

As we rise this morning and prepare ourselves for the day... envision the doors opening and the bells ringing.  The driver has diligently prepared the route while they pin the Q to the floor.  Your officer calls out the alarm specifics while reading through the the call screen.  You begin mentally preparing for what’s ahead.  The time for physical preparation is up.  It’s game time and now your training must be put to action.  Sir Winston Churchill put it so eloquently with his statement that should permeate the very soul of the first responder, “...What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.”  That’s a powerful statement.  Take a moment to think about it especially in the privileged position of a paramedic, firefighter, or first responder.  Are you ready for the save?  How have you prepared? In that moment will you find tragedy or success? Success will be found, reached, and attained because of your self disciplined preparation.  Preparing continually with the intention of being successful.  


Own the day and go out the door with Intent.  


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